Social Philosophy Today CFP (due Nov. 15, 2022)

Social Philosophy Today

The North American Society for Social Philosophy’s journal, Social Philosophy Today, began nearly thirty years ago drawing on top papers from the annual International Social Philosophy conference. The series, published electronically and available for print on demand, has developed into a well-respected, peer-reviewed annual journal that also accepts non-conference originated submissions. Each volume in the series focuses on a theme in social philosophy (the theme of the annual conference); all submissions are anonymously reviewed by at least two reviewers and authors are provided extensive feedback on their work. The acceptance rate for the series is approximately 30%. The series is currently edited by Zach Hoskins (Nottingham University) and Joan Woolfrey (West Chester University). A special section of non-conference papers is edited by Gregory Hoskins (Villanova University). Former editors include Creighton Peden, Yeager Hudson, John Rowan, Nancy Snow, Cheryl Hughes, and Jeff Gauthier.

Call for Papers

Although the majority of articles published in Social Philosophy Today are based on papers initially presented at the annual International Social Philosophy conference, the journal is not a proceedings volume. All papers given at the 2022 North American Society for Social Philosophy annual conference are eligible for consideration. Only those articles recommended on the basis of double-blind peer review will be accepted for publication. Accordingly, all papers submitted should be prepared for blind review according to the guidelines below.

Social Philosophy Today is pleased to invite submissions to Volume 39 (2023) on the themes: Polarization, Reconciliation, and Community.  For a list of possible sub-topics, please see the call-for-abstracts to the 2022 NASSP conference:

We also invite original, non-article length “responses” to previously published Social Philosophy Today articles. For electronic access to the journal archive since 2002, please consult the journal’s website:


Deadline: November 15, 2022

Manuscripts: Submission of a manuscript to Social Philosophy Today is understood to imply that the manuscript is not under consideration by any other journal and is offered to Social Philosophy Today for first publication.

Length: 6,000-word limit

Title sheet: To facilitate anonymous review, the author should not be identified in the manuscript or the abstract, or in any electronic signature. Contact information, including name, institutional affiliation, and an e-mail address, must be submitted as an attachment on a separate title sheet.

Abstract: Papers must include an abstract of no more than 200 words placed at the beginning of the article.

File type and format: Manuscripts should be submitted as Word files. They should be double-spaced (including quotations, notes, and references), and the right margin should not be justified.

Citation style: We use the Chicago Manual of Style “author-date” system, and request that authors use this in their submissions.  For more information, see

Bibliography: Please attach a bibliography to the paper. For references use the University of Chicago style (see link above).

Formatting: Please consult the SPT formatting notes for authors for detailed formatting guidance.

Rights and permissions: Authors of manuscripts accepted for publication are free to reuse their own articles in other publications they write or edit, and no further permission is required. We only require appropriate acknowledgement of the original publication of that item in Social Philosophy Today.  For more information see

Submission:  Manuscripts and title sheets should be submitted as separate attachments to

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