Oct. 20-22: Feminist Ethics and Social Theory Virtual Conference (FEAST 2023) on South Asian/Diasporic Feminism Discourse

website for more info: https://sites.google.com/view/feast2023/

Registration: Pre-Registration is required by Wednesday, October 18 to ensure immediate access to all sessions when the conference begins on October 20. After that date, the price will increase. New registrations will be processed every 24 hours, so please be sure to register at least 24 hours in advance of any panels you hope to attend.

Please select the appropriate registration category below based on whether you are a Conference Presenter or Non-Presenter.

 All Faculty, students, and community members from the Global South / Undergraduate Students may attend at no charge but are required to register.

Membership: Membership is not required for the virtual conference, but ALL are invited to join FEAST.

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