Feb. 16: Abstract Preparation 101 (1-2p Eastern on Zoom)

Dear NASSP Members,

The Committee on Inclusivity and Accessibility is hosting an “abstract 101” session to support individuals who may have questions about, or want practice with, submitting an abstract in response to a CFA. The plan for the session is to provide some brief framing and tips, to use this year’s NASSP CFA as a case study to work through to think about submission strategies, and to hold plenty of time to answer questions and even workshop abstracts if people want to bring drafts or ideas to the meeting. All are welcome, not only NASSP members, social philosophers, or individuals who plan to submit to the NASSP meeting – though we hope that the session might encourage many people to submit to the NASSP conference if they work in social philosophy. So, feel free to share this information widely with your networks, especially students. 

*Note that although I am an ex-officio member of the program committee providing a connection between the program and inclusivity/accessibility committees, I am not reviewing, voting on, or in any way involved with the abstract selection this year. This session will not compromise the anonymity of abstract review, nor does it directly reflect who this year’s program committee will be reviewing abstracts, although it will address the criteria for selection as it is laid out in the CFA. 

The flyer is included below. 

If you’d like to attend, please register by contacting Elizabeth Lanphier at elizabeth.lanphier@cchmc.org to receive the Zoom details.

Elizabeth on behalf of the NASSP Committee on Inclusivity and Accessibility

image description: against a white background there is a light teal quarter circle in the lower left corner, with a navy blue rocket ship icon in the foreground. Navy blue text reads: “North American Society for Social Philosophy Abstract Preparation 101. Launch your abstract with the NASSP committee on inclusivity & accessibility. Come for an info session on abstract preparation tips, stay to workshop your submissions in response to this year’s CFA for the NASSP annual meeting. February 16th 1-2pm Eastern via Zoom”
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