Social Philosophy Today Call for Submissions



Congratulations once again on your recent presentation at the 34th Annual International Social Philosophy Conference at Loyola University Chicago.  Papers presented at the conference are eligible for consideration for publication in Social Philosophy Today.


Although all the articles published in Social Philosophy Today are based on papers presented at the conference, the journal is not a proceedings volume. Only those articles recommended on the basis of peer review will be accepted for publication. Accordingly, all papers submitted should be prepared for blind review according to the guidelines below.




Manuscripts: Submission of a manuscript to Social Philosophy Today is understood to imply that the manuscript is not under consideration by any other journal and is offered to Social Philosophy Today for first publication.

Deadline for Submission has been extended to December 11, 2017.

Length: 6000-word limit

Title sheet: To facilitate anonymous review, the author should not be identified in the manuscript or the abstract, or in any electronic signature. Contact information, including name, institutional affiliation, and an e-mail address, must be submitted as an attachment on a separate title sheet.

Abstract: Papers must include an abstract of no more than 200 words placed at the beginning of the article.

File Type and Format: Manuscripts should be submitted as Word files. They should be double-spaced (including quotations, notes, and references), and the right margin should not be justified.

Endnote Style: We use the Chicago Manual of Style “notes and bibliography system” for endnotes, and request that authors use this in their submissions.  For more information see

Bibliography: Please attach a bibliography to the paper. Very recently our publisher has requested this for all manuscripts for electronic citation purposes. For references use the University of Chicago style, e.g.,
Anderson, Elizabeth.  Value in Ethics and Economics.  Cambridge, Ma.: Harvard University Press, 1993.
Chamallas, Martha.  “Consent, Equality, and the Legal Control of Sexual Conduct.”  Southern California Law Review 61 (1987): 826-30.

In addition:
•Avoid 3-em-dashes or other replacements for the author’s name in multiple citations
•List author names in each citation

Rights & permissions: Authors of manuscripts accepted for publication are free to reuse their own articles in other publications they write or edit, and no further permission is required. We only require appropriate acknowledgement of the original publication of that item in Social Philosophy Today.  For more information see

Submission: Manuscripts and title sheets should be submitted as separate attachments to no later than October 13, 2017.



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